Saturday 9 July 2011

Bieber Fever Zombie Robot Virus

Here's a suggestion from @Lloydapher and evolved by @StaceyPineapple and @RobynToRaven and seconded and passed by @NicholasTWP.

How Justin Bieber may destroy the world.

This is the story of how Justin Bieber accidentally created a horde of zombie cyborgs who could take over the world.

Born in Canada, Bieber was discovered on YouTube. It is because of this that Master Bieber became so very upset when he discovered his song 'Baby' was the most disliked video on YouTube.

Recently Rebecca Black overtook him this year with over 3 million dislikes.

This was no accident.

How the Outbreak Began

Since becoming the most hated video on YouTube Bieber has invested his fortune in developing a robot that is capable of reproducing human speech and actions. This megalomaniacal self obsession also explains the titling of his album 'My World' and the number of songs he has written about world domination. (That Should Be ME, Never going to let you go)

So as you may have deduced, Rebecca Black is a cyborg.

It explains a lot doesn't it. The disconnection from reality. The auto-tuned voice. It all makes sense.

But what would we do if Bieber lost control of his robotic minion and she began 'converting' others to make her own cyborg army of the undead? I think she'd start with Bieber himself for making her that way.

This is an artists impression of what Bieber would look like after 'conversion'

Normal Zombie rules do not apply

Where cyborgs are concerned removing the head may have little to no impact. Depending on how much tissue to robot integration has occurred the body may work completely independently of the head.

Then what is controlling it?
The concept of a cyborg is living tissue controlled by a processor. The processor is the brain of the cyborg and that helps us a lot - and here's why.

Processors require fairly low temperatures to operate and thus it will be placed somewhere near the outside of the body. It is also likely to have a heatsync or liquid cooling to keep it cool in the same way as modern computers cool their processors.

This is good for us as it means bashing the squish outer coating of a 'converted' will mean we can identify the location of the processor or sever the liquid cooling and cause the processor to overheat.

How do I remove the soft tissue?
The best way of doing this would probably be a sharp weapon such as a samurai sword or a distance weapon such as a grenade. You don't want to get too close though - the cyborg's won't be very worried about destroying their own soft tissue to preserve the CPU so you'll have to be fast and alert.

What else could the government do?
If the outbreak is not caught early the government would be best using an EMP - the only way of doing this currently is via the use of weapons so that may cause a separate mutant zombie epidemic so the best solution is to destroy the threat early on.

Please note - if you go and kill Rebecca Black with a samurai sword this author holds no responsibility - it may just be that she has no talent after all and isn't in fact a robot.

Then again she probably is.

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